Easy Spred Mortar Plasticizer

Easy Spred mortar additive is a plasticizer used in mortars consisting of portland cement and mason sand. It is designed for use primarily in mortar for unit masonry, but also is used in portland cement-based plasters, stucco and finish plasters for swimming pools. The use of Easy Spred in mortar will produce a highly plastic, workable mortar with improved water-retaining properties. One 7 lb. bag of Easy Spred replaces one 50 lb. bag of hydrated lime in mortar. Meets ASTM C-270.

Step 1: Start mixer, add 2⁄3 required water, add Easy Spred and mix for 1 to 11⁄2 min.
Step 2: Add 1⁄4 to 1⁄3 of total sand, add portland cement and mix 2 min.
Step 3: With mixer running, add remaining sand and water.
Step 4: Mix for 6 to 8 minutes total or until desired workability is reached.

Easy Spred – Info
Easy Spred [SDS]

Product NumberDescriptionSize
PPE S00 GSDEasy Spred7 lbs bag
Easy Spred10 – 7 lbs bags/carton 300 bags/pallet